The school has stolen my child

A bit melodramatic, I know.

Before The Boy started school my Mum recalled the day I started school. She said she felt bereft, like she was handing me over to the authorities and was no longer the only one responsible for me. She said that for the first time, she felt she had to share me. I didn’t quite get what she meant at the time.

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Where does the time go?

When you’re a child time seems to go so slowly, birthdays and Christmas feel like they only come once a year and that’s a LONG time! As an adult time seems to creep up on me and surprise me how quickly it passes, and Christmas and birthdays may still only be once a year but the feel almost squashed together now. Don’t get me started on the unfairness of this and the fact that I should have listened to my parents when they told me that childhood is the best time of your life (in terms of appreciating time and not getting old anyway!) Continue reading

Superhero themed party – in pictures

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Chicco Quattro 4 in 1

As part of the Mumsnet Bloggers Network we have been given a Chicco Quattro 4 in 1 to review.

First impressions

The Quattro 4 in 1 needs to be put together first and the instructions were not very clear, they were just photo instructions and so I found them a bit difficult to follow, although it didn’t take longer than 15 minutes (I’m the impatient kind). Once it was constructed I loved the bright colours and simplicity of putting Baby Girl into it. Baby Girl obviously agrees as look how happy she is…

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Silent Sunday


Elounda, Crete

Although it feels like a lifetime ago, in August we spent twelve nights in Crete in the lovely harbour town of Elounda. It was our first holiday with entourage (grandparents and an auntie!) and I’m not sure we will holiday without them from now on. Built in babysitters are the way forward!

Elounda is an hours drive from Heraklion airport but I think its worth the drive, past the bright lights and English breakfasts of Malia and driving along a gorgeous coastal road. We got a taxi from the airport which cost €75 but you can also book cheap car hire and drive the beautiful route yourself.

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Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

Why do I Breastfeed?

Before I start, I would like to say that this is not a discussion about breastfeeding v formula feeding or a sermon on breastfeeding because this issue has caused so much controversy in recent years and I do not want to be adding to it!

This post is simply a reply to a friend who asked me why I am still breastfeeding Baby Girl. She isn’t a parent and therefore doesn’t know what it is like and was curious. It made me think about why I do and why I intend to do so for at least two years as the World Health Organisation recommends (Baby Girl permitting!) Continue reading